Celebrate the richness of Chinese culture with the Madame Alexander Chinese New Years 8 Dolls set. This collectible ensemble, item number 21050, includes three beautifully crafted dolls dressed in traditional attire, accompanied by a majestic lion costume. The dolls feature black hair, reflecting the hair color of the Lunar New Year’s mythical figures. The set’s dimensions ensure that each doll stands at 8 inches, providing a perfect display size for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
NIB I Love Lucy Set/4 Madam Alexander 8 #15372 Dolls BIN05 DS36. NIB I Love Lucy Set/4 Madam Alexander 8 #15372 Dolls. Ricky, Lucy, Ethel and Fred. STORE LOCATION: Roseville DS36. Proceeds from this sale help support the lifesaving programs and services of the American Cancer Society. As a result, various imperfections or flaws may be present. The American Cancer Society takes no responsibility for such imperfections that may not have been recognized and noted in the product description above. Due to certain limitations, some photos may not be. On smaller devices e. Smartphones, so we recommend using a tablet or desktop instead. Please bear in mind that we are not a service/repair station and. Are not full experts on every subject. E have tried our best to list all readily-visible, pertinent faults. Lease understand that we cannot possibly test for all functionality or account for all flaws or quirks, nor can we guarantee the remaining lifespan of any part. Condition estimates typically refer to general cosmetic appearance and can be subjective. Certain objects, such as antique/vintage or products made of natural material, may exhibit variations. We will not be responsible for certain things that are out of our control. Many of the items we sell are pre-owned/used. And we cannot accept payments from foreign accounts. Fragile, bulky, or heavy items may take longer. Will be at our sole discretion. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
The lot includes 32 exclusive Madame Alexander 5-inch dolls from McDonald’s, each with tags. The set features dolls from the brand Madame Alexander, with each doll measuring 5 inches in width. 1- Halloween Pumpkin Costume. 1- Pinocchio boy doll. 1- 100th anniversary Teddy bear doll. 1- kick it boy. 2- Setting sail, one is new in package. 2- Memories of a lifetime groom, one has a stand. 1- Hansel with stand. 1- Gretel with stand. 2- little red riding hood, one has a green dress, the other has a blue dress with stand. 1- Wendy doll as jasmine with stand. 1- flower girl African American with stand. 1- Flower girl with stand. 1- Lady bug Girl. 1- Hannah pepper’s friend. 1- Kick it girl with stand. 2- Memories of a lifetime Brides with stands, one is African American. 1- Jumping rope with stand. 1- Prince Charming with stand. 1- Hop, skip, and jump with stand. 1- Ballerina with stand. 1- Tennis girl with stand. 1- Ring carrier with stand. 1- Team mates girl with stand. 1- Memories of a lifetime groom African American with stand. All have their original tags!
2 beautiful 14 composition Wendy Ann dolls – clear eyes, full lashes, full mohair wigs in original set – great condition – stringing loose – Outfits are the hard to find 1942 FAO Scwartz trousseau set – all in great condition.