Celebrate the richness of Chinese culture with the Madame Alexander Chinese New Years 8 Dolls set. This collectible ensemble, item number 21050, includes three beautifully crafted dolls dressed in traditional attire, accompanied by a majestic lion costume. The dolls feature black hair, reflecting the hair color of the Lunar New Year’s mythical figures. The set’s dimensions ensure that each doll stands at 8 inches, providing a perfect display size for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
The Disney Madame Alexander 48710 Wendy Loves Bambi Doll is an 8-inch fashion doll featuring the character Wendy from the Madame Alexander franchise. The doll showcases intricate details and is part of the Wendy Loves Bambi set, perfect for fans of Madame Alexander dolls and Disney characters alike.
NIB I Love Lucy Set/4 Madam Alexander 8 #15372 Dolls BIN05 DS36. NIB I Love Lucy Set/4 Madam Alexander 8 #15372 Dolls. Ricky, Lucy, Ethel and Fred. STORE LOCATION: Roseville DS36. Proceeds from this sale help support the lifesaving programs and services of the American Cancer Society. As a result, various imperfections or flaws may be present. The American Cancer Society takes no responsibility for such imperfections that may not have been recognized and noted in the product description above. Due to certain limitations, some photos may not be. On smaller devices e. Smartphones, so we recommend using a tablet or desktop instead. Please bear in mind that we are not a service/repair station and. Are not full experts on every subject. E have tried our best to list all readily-visible, pertinent faults. Lease understand that we cannot possibly test for all functionality or account for all flaws or quirks, nor can we guarantee the remaining lifespan of any part. Condition estimates typically refer to general cosmetic appearance and can be subjective. Certain objects, such as antique/vintage or products made of natural material, may exhibit variations. We will not be responsible for certain things that are out of our control. Many of the items we sell are pre-owned/used. And we cannot accept payments from foreign accounts. Fragile, bulky, or heavy items may take longer. Will be at our sole discretion. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Jesus, I Trust In You! My laptop battery exploded gases and toxins into the air leaving near? Toxic dust everywhere, including hydrogen fluoride and fluoride dusts. These toxins can cause serious health issues. There may be some very toxic stuff that cannot be seen on the item or items in this listing that can cause serious health issues, including bone damage, etc. And especially health issues to children and babies. Madam Alexander Doll Black Hat Cap with Flowers and Bow Unmarked. For your consideration is what may be an unmarked. Madam Alexander Doll Black Hat Cap with Flowers and Bow. I very vaguely remember finding a very similar hat made by Madame Alexander that was difficult to find. Now, I cannot find anything online too similar to this hat that is made by Madam Alexander. I may be mistaking the maker. Please use your own judgement as to the maker of the hat. The hat has a lot of damage and is bent out of shape. Only the hat is being offered in this listing, not the doll. Sorry if some of the images are blurry. Not all angles of the item are pictured. Not all of the damage is mentioned or is pictured. The item has, or may have, fading, discoloring, yellowing, browning, melt spots, sticky stuff, bubbles in the paint, rust and / or corrosion, bends, foxing, tears, holes. Water and / or moisture damage. Been repainted, missing parts, cracks in the paint, paint loss, paint damage, paint chips, marks, dirt, dust, scratches, scuffs. Chips, mold, moldy smell, vintage smell, stains, marks, missing paint, dings, replaced parts, creases, folds, indentations, etc. Thank you for your interest.
This 8-inch vintage Madame Alexander doll is a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts. The doll features brown curly hair, light complexion, and brown eyes that open and close. She comes dressed in the Honeymooners set, adding to her charm and making her perfect for display. This original and licensed reproduction doll is from the Dolls of the World series and was manufactured in France in 1976. She is in excellent condition and is the perfect addition to any collection.
This Madame Alexander doll is 8 inches tall and part of the Coca-Cola product line. It is a Take Home Coca-Cola artist doll and comes in its original packaging (NIB). The set includes the doll, and its item width is also 8 inches.
1930s Madame Alexander Dionne Quintuplet Composition Set 7.5 With High Chair. The babies have some crazing and cracks in the composition, but overall really nice condition for their age. The clothes show minimal wear, and they are complete with their pins. One has replaced socks and shoes. The others are original, but they do have wear and two of them have broken straps.